


 From Associated Enemies of the People

 Washington, D.C.  10/7/2019.  Bringing back memories of Watergate, the small but infamous left leaning blog Storyguy.com, reports this morning that they received an anonymous recording revealing an administration plot to manipulate the media with one of the oldest and most respected news programs, Meet the Enemy of the People, as the first target.

The recording, with key highlights included in the manuscript quoted herein, is of a conversation between President Corleone and his most trusted consigliere, Stephan Mendacious, apparently in the round office.

The edited transcript follows:

Corleone:  We’ve got to do something about Fredo (senator from Wiscasota).  The guy is off the reservation.  Can you believe it?  He actually admitted there was a quid pro go in our threats to Z, and he thought it was wrong. Then he goes to the media with it. The guy’s conscience is totally out of control.

Mendacious:  I think its quo, boss.

Corleone:  Quo?  What?

Mendacious:  Yeah.  Quid pro quo.

Corleone:  Oh yeah.  Ok.  Well, quo or no, we’ve gotta do something.  Fredo’s so f…ing weak.  He’s worse than that pompous ass out in Utah.  And that b…h from Maine.  Boy, talk about weak.

M:  And here’s the problem boss.  We can’t let any of these senators show any weakness at all.  NONE!

C:  Yeah.  One chink in the wall—god, I love walls—and the whole thing starts to crumble.  There’s not much that scares me, but seeing those senators start to weaken…now that’s scary. 

M:  Yeah.  I know.  I know.  So, boss, I’ve been thinkin’ about this, and I’ve got an idea.  Here’s the deal.   We use Fredo.

C:  He’s an idiot.  How can we use him?

M:  Well, it’s easy really.  We do what we do with all of ‘em.  We threaten him.  We tell him we’ll ruin him.  We’ll unleash the base on him, and it’ll be the end of his cushy career.

C:  God, I love threatening these guys.  Go on…

M:  We tell him to contact Meet the Enemy of the People.  Tell Chuck Clod…

C:  OMG, I hate that guy…

M:  Tell Clod directly that he wants to appear on the show Sunday.

C:  C’mon.  That’s the last thing I want.  Senator Fredo on that radical left show?  My worst nightmare.

 M:  No! No!  We tell Fredo what to say.  He’ll defend you by attacking everybody.  The fake news media.  The crooked intelligence establishment.  The second hand Whistleblowers.  The rapists at the border. He’ll even say he was wrong about the quid pro quo.  He’ll say whatever we tell him to say, because if he doesn’t…

C:  We’ll ruin him.  And, don’t forget, we’ll be sending a message to all the rest of ‘em at the same time.

M:  Right.  Easy peasy.  And think about this.  This is the best part.  We’ll be planting real fake news with the fake news media.

C:  (Loudly)  Yeaaaah!  What a great idea.  Now this is fun. Like we’ve never seen before.  I can just see Clod frothing at the mouth at the idea of having Fredo on expecting he’ll be huge news as a key supporter crumbling .

M:  And instead—oh I love thinking about this—instead he’ll discover that we’ve sent him the equivalent of a letterbomb.  And he’ll get to open it live, right on the show!

C: And it goes off in his face!  In prime time!  (Loud laughter).  You know they used to call me “Primetime.”

M:  And this could be the most fun.  We get to sit here and watch it happen. Live.

Senator Fredo appeared on yesterday’s edition of Meet the Enemy of the People.

Make America Rake Again

An Interview with Senator Fredo