Arlington v. New Mission Basketball.  3/4/17.

Arlington v. New Mission Basketball. 3/4/17.

In a visit from the defending state champions we discover the distinct advantage of home court in a wonderful high school basketball game.



Arlington, Ma. 3/2/17. In an absolutely heart stopping, tournament worthy contest the Arlington boys basketball team unseated the defending state champions from New Mission 64 – 61 Friday night in Arlington to move on to the Div. 2 North semi-finals.

The game came down to a frantic final two minutes in which the teams combined for an astonishing 23 points and finally ended with no time left on the clock as New Mission senior Charlie Mitchell’s first of three potentially game tying free throws bounced off the back rim.

But let’s back up a bit.

With 1:53 left Arlington junior Dom Black threaded a perfect feed to junior Ben Wasco all alone underneath.  Wasco converted the layup for a 54-48 lead and Spy Ponder fans could breathe easier.

Wrong.  The game was just getting started. 

Down 6, New Mission was forced to foul and senior co-captain Colin McNamara and freshman Bensley Joseph both cashed in.  When Joseph scored on a soaring left handed layup to make it 60-54 Arlington with only 25 seconds left, it appeared, finally, to be over.

But instead of over it was Titan senior Charles Mitchell time.  At the 19-second mark his shocking 3-pointer from beyond NBA range brought the margin back to three.

Arlington coach John Bowler said about Mitchell, “He’s a four year player whose won a couple of state titles for them.  The stage is never too big him.”

Mitchell wasn’t done.  After Spy Ponder sophomore Jaden Dottin’s free throw, Mitchell hit yet another unconscious three to cut the margin to 61-60, and there were still 11 seconds left.

One of the key plays in the game was a simple in bounds pass after Mitchell’s basket.  Black had to get the ball in McNamara’s hands.  With some difficulty, he did. 

McNamara was immediately fouled.  With just 9.2 seconds left and the game on the line the senior co-captain calmly swished both free throws to get the lead back to 3.

“Colin’s won more than any other player in Arlington history,” said Bowler adding, “He just knows how to win.  There’s nobody I’d want on the line in that situation more than him.”

Incredibly, the drama continued into New Mission’s last possession.  With one second left Charlie Mitchell stepped behind the three-point line in the left corner, launched a desperate shot and was fouled with the buzzer sounding while the ball was still in flight.

With no time left, Mitchell went to the line by himself with all of Arlington thundering in his ears needing to sink three free throws to tie, an order that was too tall.

This was a game unlike any other this season for Arlington.  The athletic Titans were lightening quick on defense with an effective, leaping rim protector, sophomore Trahe Qualls in the middle. 


Typical New Mission defense.

The combination essentially nullified Arlington’s favored lane driving offense, and at halftime their dynamic guard duo of McNamara and Black had but 2 points total with Black sitting much of the second quarter in foul trouble.

“They’re the quickest team on defense we saw all year by far,” Bowler declared. 

Even so, the score was knotted at 27 at the half and, for Arlington, the reason why was sophomore guard Nick Karalis. 

While New Mission was focused on keeping Black, McNamara and Joseph out of the lane, they left Karalis open in the corners.

Karalis made them pay going 4 for 5 on three-pointers to lead all scorers at the half with 12 points.

With 5 minutes left in the third quarter and Arlington down 31-27, Black came alive scoring on a difficult twisting layup and a three-pointer that ignited a 16-4 Spy Ponder run.

Wasco then capped the run and brought the house down. After a head fake that got his defender airborne he calmly stroked a three-pointer at the buzzer to match Arlington’s largest lead of the night at 43-35.

In the end, though, it was all about free throws, and the Spy Ponders hit 14 of 18 in the fourth quarter.  McNamara was particularly clutch going 8 for 8 from the stripe in the last 8 minutes including his two clinchers in the final seconds.

Joseph led Arlington with 15, McNamara had 14 and Karalis 13.

Charles Mitchell’s 16 led New Mission with 9 of them coming in the last 1:30.  Charlie Mitchell had 12 as did senior Daeshawn McLauglin.

As for the upcoming showdown with Brighton, the other power from the Boston City League, Bowler said, “ We’ll practice hard and put a good game plan together.  They’re one of the best teams in the state.  It’s going to be a great test for us.”

Words unnecessary.

Words unnecessary.

Photos courtesy of Michael Mannstadt

An Interview with Mac and Black. 2/17/17.

Arlington v. Burlington Basketball. 3/2/17.